臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
201209 (12 期)期所有篇 |
- 《東坡易傳》特色舉要 Feature Recapitulations of Dong Po I-Ching Biography
- 王船山易學中「德」「成人」「氣化」思想的詮釋──以《周易外傳.乾卦》為例 The Interpretation of Qian Diagram in Wang Chuan-shan's Zhou Yi Wai Zhuan
- 中日漢字詞比較知識庫應用:《道齋隨筆》與《省文纂考》為例 The Application of Chinese-Japanese Characters and Words Knowledgebase: DaoZhaiSuiBi and ShengWenZuanKao as Examples
- 對「文字禪」問題的解讀與澄清 The Clarification of the Study on Wen'zi Chan and Several Interrelated Questions
- 朱子「淫奔詩」篇章界定再探 The Exploration and Analysis on the Definition of Chu-Si's Obscene Poems
- 隨園三妹詩作探析 A Study of Sui-Yuan Three Sisters' Poetry
- 蘇偉貞〈以上情節……〉之電影鏡頭內外書寫 Inside and outside the Camera lens—the Psychological Sketch in Wei-Cheng Su's the Episode bove
- 將軍之死──白先勇〈國葬〉中的國族符碼 Death of the General—The Cultural Codes of “Guozang” in Pai Hsien-yung's novel