臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
200607 (1 期)期所有篇 |
- 論易之五義與易的本體世界 The five Meaning of “Change” and Onto-Hermeneutics of I Ching
- 純粹力動與絕對無:我與京都哲學的分途 Pure Activity and Absolute Nothingness: My way and its difference from Kyoto-School
- 譬喻與詮釋──從法華經的譬喻看牟宗三先生的天台詮釋 Metapher and Hermeneutics: Metapher of Lotus sutra and Mou Zongsan's hermeneutics and T'ien-t'ai Buddhism
- 遺民詩人杜濬功能論小說觀探究 A study of DuJun's functional viewpoints about fiction
- 唐道士成玄英的重玄思想與道佛融通──以其老子疏為討論核心 Encountering Buddhism : Twofold Mystery thought of Cheng Hsuan-Ying
- 翁方綱杜詩學探微 Analysis and Discussion Introduced by Wong Fang-kang on Du's Poetry
- 從哲學範疇詮釋中國哲學的方法論思維及其系統架構的局限 The Interpretation of the Chinese philosophy's methodology thinking and its limits of system framework from philosophy category
- 《老子想爾注》詮釋老子方法析論 A Study of Interpretative Method on Lao-Zi Xiang-Er Commentary
- 天臺宗與茶禪的關係 The Relationship between Tiantai Sect and Tea Zen