漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
202306 (36期)期所有篇 |
- 越南漢文燕行文獻的新發現:《華程偶筆錄》作者考辨 New discovery of Vietnamese Chinese Yan Xing Documents:Investigation of the author of“Hua Cheng Ou Bi Lu”
- 試論晚清創作小說對凡爾納小說接受――以《月球殖民地小說》、《新法螺先生譚》、《新石頭記》為例 On the Acceptance of Jules Verne's Novels Created in the Late Qing Dynasty――Take ''Moon Colony Novel'', ''Mr. Xin Fa Luo Tan'', ''New Stone Story'' as examples
- 《莊子》齊桓公見鬼故事新解――「批判的氣論」視角 A New Interpretation of Duke Huan’s Ghost Story in the Zhuangzi: Perspective from the Critical Qi theory
- 清人王引之《春秋名字解詁》補論 Supplement to“Chūn QiūMíng ZìJiěGǔ”Written by Wáng, Yǐn-zhīin Qīng Dynasty
- 劉向《新序》、《說苑》所述王者治民之道 The Way of Ruling the People by Kings as Discussed in Liu Xiang's '' Xinxu '' and ''Shuoyuan''