漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
201712 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 超凡即聖──從密教觀點探討民間視李靖為毗沙門天王之思考進路 From the Worldliness into Sainthood─A Buddhist Mysticism Reading on the Plausibility of Li Jin’s Becoming Image as Vaisramana
- 黎貴惇對宋朝朱熹論《書經》思想的評價——通過研究《書經衍義》分析 Le Quy Don’s evaluation on Zhu Xi’s thoughts of Book of Documents (Shujing)─A case study of Interpretation of Book of Documents (Shujing Yanyi)
- 秦簡牘和《張家山漢簡》文字構形比較析論──以秦簡牘「簡化」、「繁化」及「異化」現象的字例為考察中心 A Comparative Analysis of the Form and Structure of the Characters in the Qin Bamboo Slip Manuscripts and Zhangjiashan Bamboo Slips ─With the Phenomena of “Complication,” “Simplification,” and “Differentiation” as the Foci of Examination
- 有意味的形式──從戴望舒譯詩〈淚珠飄落縈心曲〉看詞體的格律與抒情特質 Significant Form─Inspection on Metrical Patterns and Lyrical Trait of Ci through Dai Wangshu’s Interpretation of Poem Il pleut doucement sur la ville
- 寓教於祭的倫理教育劇場──儒家祭祀禮典儀式中展開的典範學習活動析論 Exploring the Program of Moral Education through and in the Dramatic Rites─Based on the Cases of the Ceremony of School Beginning and Ancestor Worship in Ancient Confucianism
- 陳壽之「尊魏」、「尊蜀」論題再議──以劉咸炘《三國志知意》的相關考辨切入 The Reconsideration of Political Ideologies of “Revering Shu Regime” and “Revering Wei Regime”in ChenShou’sWritings─Approaching with relative analysis of Liu XinXi’s Sanguozhizhiyi