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A Comparative Analysis of the Form and Structure of the Characters in the Qin Bamboo Slip Manuscripts and Zhangjiashan Bamboo Slips ─With the Phenomena of “Complication,” “Simplification,” and “Differentiation” as the Foci of Examination
作者 李綉玲
The Chinese characters during the Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty were situated in the key stage of the beginning, development, and completion of libian (the transformation of clerical script). Examining the script materials, there were bamboo slips, silk manuscripts, stone carvings, bronze inscriptions, mud seals, seals, and pottery inscriptions. Among them, unearthed bamboo slips were the highest in number. In addition to their precious historic values, in the process of the transformation from zhuan wen (seal script) to lishu (clerical script), it reflects the conditions and the authentic situations of the use of the characters in the society at that time, providing researchers with high values and meanings in studying them. From the mid- and late Warring States Period to the early West Han Dynasty, the lishu written in this period was regarded as guli (ancient clerical script). In this essay, the characters of the Zhangjiashan Bamboo Slips and Qin Bamboo Slip Manuscripts (from the Qin Kingdom in the mid- and late Warring States Period to the Qin Dynasty) are regarded as the objects of study. Considering the period of “guli,” the forms and structure of characters were high in similarity and stability, which seemed to be unavoidable. However, from a historical perspective, we cannot neglect the “differentiation” of characters in the gradual changing process of libian in this period. Therefore, this essay examines the “simplification,” “complication,” and “differentiation,” of characters with examples drawn from the Zhangjiashan Bamboo Slips and Qin Bamboo Slip Manuscripts. It attempts to compare and contrast the two to deduce the phenomena worthy of paying more attention to. It also intends to find out the reason why the characters in the Zhangjiashan Bamboo Slips did not inherit the forms and structures of those found in the Qin Bamboo Slip Manuscripts.
起訖頁 41-88
關鍵詞 張家山漢簡秦簡牘隸變古隸構形Zhangjiashan Bamboo SlipsQin Bamboo Slip Manuscriptslibian (transformation of clerical script)guli (ancient clerical script)form and structure
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201712 (25期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 黎貴惇對宋朝朱熹論《書經》思想的評價——通過研究《書經衍義》分析
該期刊-下一篇 有意味的形式──從戴望舒譯詩〈淚珠飄落縈心曲〉看詞體的格律與抒情特質




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