The research primarily explores how, after the introduction of digital tools and biological viewpoints, architectural design may express the morphological generation language within as a natural emergence. Through the exploration of material properties, mass aggregation and the force distribution and continuity, the design method attempts to create an assemblage characteristic containing more than simply geometry as in the past, and the ability to communicate the aesthetic value of self-assemblage. This aspect was also explained by Las Spuybroek, on new radical materialist concept that embodies a design approach resonating with the tectonics, cross-material perception and the material itself. At the moment, this approach is prevalent in digital design. Nonetheless, for the purpose of conveying this tectonic significance to students by the material exploration, and avoiding a simple replication of form and uninformed of the principles that generate such logic, a more thorough method in design teaching is required. After three years of experimentation, the research has nearly arrived at a clear methodology, which aims to allow students to take the observation of the surrounding objects as the outset, categorizing and understanding the materials and set of techniques of respective tools, and finally realized by generating unique forms of spatial connotation. Even if the students have yet been in direct contact or use of the computational tools or any types of algorithms and structural calculations, they can naturally experience the bottom-up approach of the form generation and the flow of structural force from the tectonic, thus pass on the experience. They will observe how the organizational mobility is transferred to the structure.