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Task-Based Learning and Design Thinking Process—A Case Study of Tamsui Religious Culture and Historical Sites Regeneration
作者 黃瑞茂 (Jui-Mao Huang)賴婷鈴 (Ting-Ling Lai)張月霞 (Yueh-Hsia Chang)

本個案研究是教育部大學社會責任計畫「淡水好生活—學習型城鄉建構計畫」之「淡水世界遺產潛力點田野學校」子計畫的一部分。本研究以都市設計工作坊的實踐模式,發展創新的「社區營造」課程模組,以設計思考的同理心、需求定義、創意發想、製作原型及測試等歷程軌跡,檢驗學生在進入真實生活世界的社區與社群中,如何透過與小組團隊一起從田野調查、界定問題到計畫提案的學習歷程中發展設計思維。本研究以臺灣北部的淡水歷史街區為場域,依據當下場域中的真實議題,選定「宗教文化與歷史街區再生」作為工作坊的操作主題。以非物質文化資產的「宗教文化」經驗為專題提案內容,透過包括課堂上課、小組討論、街區走訪、學生訪談、學習反思日誌等資料的蒐集,分析有關淡水歷史城市再造可能性的構思與設計歷程。研究結果發現,透過與在地的「人」與「物」的交流與經驗世界的理解,參與此課程的學生為完成提案任務的學習是一個參與式設計的意義建構與共識(sense making)的過程。研究還發現,將課程帶到生活現場進行有任務的學習,為學生開展了新穎卻又貼近傳統文化的學習經驗。透過設計進行研究獲得的建築知識以及促進設計思考的可視性功能在此研究中有進一步的討論。此外,本研究透過設計思考課程模組的建構,有助於優化參與式設計「社區營造」教學模式在大學課程改革的實踐。



This case study is part of the University’ Social Responsibility project “World Heritage Potential Field School”, an interdisciplinary university course program. This study developed an innovative “community construction” curriculum module using hands-on model of urban design workshop. The curriculum is designed based on the design thinking process—empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. This study examined how students developed design thinking through the learning process of fieldwork, problem definition, and project proposal with teamwork in real-life communities and neighborhoods. In this study, “Religious Culture and Historic District Regeneration” was selected as the theme of the workshop course, based on the real issues in context, and the religious culture experience of the intangible cultural heritage was used as the topic of the proposal. Data were collected from classroom sessions, group discussions, neighborhood and community visits, student interviews, and learning reflective journals to analyze the conceptualization and design process that stimulate the possibility of rejuvenating the historic Tamsui district. The research findings revealed that, through participatory design, students’ learning to accomplish the proposed tasks was a sense making process through their communication with the “people” and “surroundings” of the place as well as their own experiential understanding. The study also found that bringing the curriculum to the real-life world for task-based learning initiated novel learning experiences while students were exposed to traditional culture. The architectural knowledge built by research through design and the visibility function that promotes design thinking are further discussed in this research. In addition, the curriculum module on innovative participatory design “community construction” developed in this study will help optimize the practice of design thinking learning model in university curriculum reform.


起訖頁 021-040
關鍵詞 設計思考參與式設計任務導向學習都市設計工作坊Design ThinkingParticipatory DesignTask-Based LearningUrban Design Workshop
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202106 (116期增刊(建築設計教學及設計教育專刊Ⅱ)期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 建築環境模擬分析整合於設計流程之教育成效評估
該期刊-下一篇 邁向湧現美學的基本設計教學研究




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