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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Preliminary Study of Applying Automatic Voice Recognition Technology for English Proverbs Learning in Primary School |
作者 |
王怡萱、楊淑卿 |
中文摘要 |
本研究從教學科技結合語音辨識技術融入國民小學(下稱國小)英語課程的觀點出發,經由兩階段研究設計,首先蒐集並分析學習者對於語音辨識學習系統之期待功能,接著將初步分析結果融入語音辨識學習系統之開發,最後進行國小學習者初步使用性評估。研究發現,國小學習者期待透過科技輔助學習之方式,提供多元的英語單字與對話發音訓練,並以綜合多媒體方式,提供學習者除了語音聲波圖型的詳細系統學習回饋以輔助學習者修正學習錯誤外,就整體系統使用經驗而言,此學習系統對於國小英語學習助益包含:一、提供學習者接觸並熟悉英文諺語學習之機會;二、提供學習者彈性英語口說學習與練習路徑;三、以階層方式輔助學習者從單字及句型口說練習過程逐步認識英文諺語;四、提供學習者口說練習的學習隱密性,減緩同儕壓力及學習焦慮。此外,學習者亦提出相關建議,作為研究者後續開發改進依據,包含:一、英文諺語的內容對於國小學習者較為陌生,在整體系統流程設計應輔以清楚中文說明;二、提供英語口說測驗機會,讓學習者進行自我學習檢測。 |
英文摘要 |
The study approaches the research goal from the aspect of associating instructional technology with automatic voice recognition technology (ASR). The authors .rst collected targeted learners' required functions toward the ASR-based system, then integrating the collected data into system design and did a preliminary evaluation. The result indicated that learners need more opportunities of practicing English vocabulary and pronunciation. They prefer multimedia feedback to indicate their language utterance errors. From learners' primary evaluation, it reveals that the system could provide learners with more .exible speaking opportunities and record learners utterance as speaking learning pro.le. Moreover, the system formed a self-learning environment in which students will not feel pressure or anxiety while speaking English. Some suggestions are made from the study such as providing more Chinese explanation and the opportunity of oral self examination. |
起訖頁 |
17-34 |
關鍵詞 |
英語學習、電腦輔助語言學習、語音辨識技術、english learning、computer assisted language learning、automatic voice recognition |
刊名 |
數位學習科技期刊 |
期數 |
201207 (4:3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
不同探索式遊戲學習策略對國民小學流行性感冒防治概念學習之影響 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
大學生學習方法對網路學習態度的影響:以某科技大學為例 |