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The Effects of Text-Structure Instruction on the Reading Comprehension of Elementary Students with Hearing Impairments
作者 曾彥翰蔡昆瀛
本研究旨在探討文章結構教學對增進國小聽覺障礙學生說明文閱讀理解之成效。研究方法採單一受試之逐變標準設計,自變項為文章結構教學,依變項為說明文閱讀理解能力與文章結構分析能力。教學方法以文章結構教學為主,搭配教師引導、同儕討論與放聲思考等策略,對三位高年級之聽覺障礙學生進行二個月之實驗教學。實驗階段分為基線期、教學介入期與維持期。所得之資料以目視分析檢視文章結構分析能力與說明文閱讀理解能力之變化,並以Kendall 等級相關來探討二變項間的相關情形。研究發現如下:一、文章結構教學能提昇國小聽覺障礙學生文章結構分析能力,而且三位受試者在頂層結構與鉅觀、微觀命題的分析能力上均有進步。二、文章結構教學對提昇國小聽覺障礙學生文章結構分析能力具有維持效果。三、文章結構教學能提昇國小聽覺障礙學生說明文閱讀理解能力,而且三位受試者在明示性問題、隱含性問題與涉及個人經驗的問題理解上均有進步。四、文章結構教學對國小聽覺障礙學生說明文閱讀理解能力的提昇具有維持效果。五、國小聽覺障礙學生之文章結構分析能力與說明文閱讀理解能力具有正相關。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of text-structure instruction on the reading comprehension of three elementary students with hearing impairment. A single-subject changing criterion design was employed ; it included a baseline phase, an intervention phase divided into three sub-phases, and a maintenance phase. The independent variable in this study was text-structure instruction, while the knowledge of text structure and expository reading comprehension were the dependent variables. After a visual analysis of graphic data and application of Kendall's coefficient of rank correlation, the results of the study were as follows. Three subjects' knowledge of text structure increased and was maintained throughout the three-week maintenance phase. Furthermore, text-structure instruction improved three subjects' ability to analyze the top-level structures, macropropositions and mircopropositions of expository texts. The improvement in expository reading comprehension of these three subjects was also obvious and maintained throughout the three-week maintenance phase. Besides, text-structure instruction improved the three subjects' textually explicit comprehension, textually implicit comprehension and scriptal comprehension. Finally, the results indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between the knowledge of text structure and expository reading comprehension.
起訖頁 67-91
關鍵詞 聽覺障礙文章結構說明文閱讀理解expository writinghearing impairmenttext structurereading comprehensiontext-structure instruction
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 200706 (32:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 轉介前介入在學障鑑定之可行性研究:以原住民低成就國小學童為例
該期刊-下一篇 以發聲練習和聲調覺識為主的音樂訓練對聽覺障礙兒童國語聲調清晰度之成效研究




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