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Transformational Leadership and the Establishment of Incorruptible Culture in an Organization
作者 顧慕晴
This article attempts to study how to build an incorruptible culture through transformational leadership. In terms of the ideas of transformational leadership, the most important task for a superordinate is to establish a system of desired values, cultures and visions for the people working in the organization. The incorruptible ideas, definitely, is a part of the whole organizational culture. So, the superordinates have to take main responsibilities to set up the incorruptible culture. They should, first, provide clear incorruptible norms for subordinates to follow; second, they should be the exemplars of the norms of incorruption; third, they should practice the incorruptible norms sincerely; fourth, they should be the advocators of the incorruptible norms, and fifth, they should set up lucid standards for rewards and punishments for the norms of incorruption and then carry out them firmly.
起訖頁 92-107
關鍵詞 轉換型領導廉潔組織文化transformational leadershipincorruptionorganizational culture
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200710 (52期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 弊端揭發人保護制度之探討
該期刊-下一篇 公務員迴避義務及其範圍之探討




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