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弊端揭發人保護制度之探討   全文下載 全文下載
A Probe into the Whistle-Blowers Protection System
作者 蕭武桐黃聖仁
Right now the Whistle-Blowers Protection System has been increasingly used by the U.S. government as an important tool to prevent people on both public and private sectors from doing things that are corrupt, illegal or harmful to national benefits. A well-engineered Whistle-Blowers Protection System will offer any crusading members of an organization a formal and effective route to expose any scams they discovered instead of just reporting the same to the press in an anonymous way. This will not only reduce the social costs arising from blowing the whistle, but also help the government agencies to cope with their crisis immediately so that the reputation for the government may not be greatly tarnished.
Orchestrating a full-fledged and trustworthy Whistle-Blowers Protection System by resorting to the U.S. efforts at enacting bills for protecting whistle-blowers will help prevent the government agencies from becoming corrupt and serve the purpose of making officials with probity do their jobs honestly while resuming people’s faith in the government to boost its credibility for proper governance.
起訖頁 68-91
關鍵詞 弊端揭發者公共服務動機弊端揭發者保護制度一九八九年弊端揭發人保護法特別檢察官辦公室whistle-blowerpublic service motivationwhistle-blowers protection systemthe whistleblower protection act of 1989office of special counsel
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200710 (52期)
出版單位 考試院
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該期刊-下一篇 轉換型領導與廉潔組織文化之建立




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