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彈性福利~員工福利發展的新趨勢   全文下載 全文下載
Flexible Welfare–The Latest Trend of Employee Welfare Development
作者 蔡祈賢
Flexibility, the gist to be stuck to in the implementation of welfare system, is the latest trend of welfare system development. In order to meet employees’needs, many enterprises in developed countries have adopted flexible welfare system, which, through 30-odd years’development, has come out with many types to accommodate the different natures of industry. As evaluated from the perspectives of theory as well as practice, the system is good in readiness to control the welfare cost; increase the welfare items; enhance the image and competitiveness of the organization; let employees make own choice; and heighten employees’satisfaction with work. Nevertheless, there inevitably occur certain problems as a result of improper choice, adverse choice and increased administrative burden in the course of implementation. With regard to the public organizations, the government of the United States has put the flexible account system into practice for its public employees. In view of our current administrative environment and the existing system, we should be able to adopt the accessory flexible welfare system and make certain improvement in due course. The specific measures include (1) make the existing statutory welfare items to be the core items; (2) propose the existing recreation funds as flexible items; and (3) add at-own-expense items. Such doing can not only meet the diverse needs of employees but also bring the spirit of flexibility into full play. For the purpose of soundness and perfection, however, experimental implementation may go first with further steps following in a gradual manner.
起訖頁 45-61
關鍵詞 人力資源管理邊際性利益固定福利制彈性福利制human resource managementfringe benefitsfixed benefitsflexible benefits
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200707 (51期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 我國公部門待遇制度之省思--美國聯邦政府待遇改革經驗與啟示
該期刊-下一篇 我國公務人員福利規劃執行之研究




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