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美國總統的行政首長提名過程之研究   全文下載 全文下載
Nominative Processes of Political Appointee in USA
作者 張世賢凃楷玲
The purpose of this article is to study nominative process of political appointee in USA. The American President is empowered by the Federal Constitution to make multitudinous political appointments. The article discusses the basis and the processes of the nomination, the nominative custom, nominative rationale, actual nominative processes, involvement of political parties in the nominative processes, nominative projects and so on.
The method of this article to carry on is documental analysis. The findings of this article are: American President needs a nominative mechanism to make clear multitudinous nomination; the nominative procedures have developed from simple to complex and prudent. The authors conclude that in order to recruit right people to right positions, there would be a nominative mechanism developed in President Office, and then they could not be vetoed in the Senate.
起訖頁 160-178
關鍵詞 美國總統行政首長提名過程參議員禮貌憲法習慣American Presidentpolitical appointeenominative processsenatorial courtesyconstitutional custom
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200704 (50期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務人員退休制度改革之探討
該期刊-下一篇 政府管制治理之新工具:管制衝擊評鑑




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