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公務人員退休制度改革之探討   全文下載 全文下載
Research on the Innovation of Civil Service Retirement System
作者 王文忠
The innovation of civil service retirement benefits scheme has been established since July 1, 1995. There are many problems occurred to date. For example, much higher substitution rate of payments, low average retirement age, applying for voluntary early retirement and monthly retirement pension be encouraged unreasonably, monthly retirement pension in the younger age, etc. In fact, all the above are not reasonable circumstance of the system for a fair and just society.
Therefore, it is necessary to re-criticize and amend the innovation of contemporary civil service retirement system. It would be written remarks giving some analyzing and criticizing on the theory of social welfare, social policy, and the theory of law in order to define the problem and advance the strategy for solution.
The contents of criticizing and analyzing will be mostly treated in the distribution of civil servants current, working as well as and retired age and number that affects on the potential finance crisis of retirement system of civil servant, concerning justice substitution rate of payments to retirement of civil servant, establishing a fair and reasonable system of retirement benefits, and the amendment to“the draft of Civil Service Retirement Act.”
We hope that the essence and root of problem can be defined clearly in more detail. Furthermore, the retirement scheme of civil servant should be reactive to the change of society, and the civil servants are ensured adequate care as well as provided basic material comforts in retirement.
起訖頁 131-159
關鍵詞 公務人員退休所得替代率退撫改革退休金retirement of civil servicesubstitution rate of paymentsinnovation of civil service retirement benefitsretirement pension
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200704 (50期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 全球化與多元民主社會下政府推動行政改革方案之公平衡量研究:以公務人員退休八五制改革方案為例
該期刊-下一篇 美國總統的行政首長提名過程之研究




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