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績效評估知識生產在政府知識管理上之產權意涵   全文下載 全文下載
The Meaning of Applying Performance Evaluation in Government Knowledge Management
作者 劉昭博
伴隨90年代知識管理(knowledge management, KM)思潮風行,知識管理內涵遭到誤認及誤用所在情事多有。經理人認為知識管理可以振衰起蔽,創造高績效與營收,基層實務者認為透過知識創新可以成為新的知識工作者,彷彿任何事物只要與「知識管理」相關即可點石成金。
With coming of 90s, Knowledge Management, KM, became a fashion. Although, it is thought valid, but misguide grew more. One of them is to consider KM as files management and organization learning. KM is not as simple as only files management, but also sharing knowledge through study group or meeting. The other one is to take KM as information system building, and this problem is more complicated. Indeed, KM uses information system to help knowledge production and storage, but this system could be used unusually as if users dislike to use it.
KM is a comprehensive issue in academic research. I try to analysis it on another way. The goal of KM is to produce valid or useful knowledge to improve organizational performance, and this goal is as same as Performance Evaluation. The basic function of performance evaluation is to manage the activities in the organization. Maybe we can say that good performance evaluation will produce valid and useful knowledge, and valid knowledge is the foundation of KM.
In this paper, I tried to review this process of knowledge production of performance evaluation, and understand how it affected the KM in government. The key problem is who own the knowledge will take it as private property. The property right of knowledge caused knowledge owner didn’t share their own actively. We must take this property right problem more carefully, and try to assign an incentive system to it.
起訖頁 149-165
關鍵詞 績效評估知識產權資訊不對稱知識管理政府績效Performance EvaluationKnowledge Property RightInformation AsymmetryKnowledge ManagementGovernment Performance
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200610 (48期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 組織及個人因素對公部門人員知識分享行為影響之實證分析




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