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我國公務人力培訓機構應用評鑑中心法之研究   全文下載 全文下載
An Investigation on the Applications of Assessment Center Methods in Civil Service Training Institutes in Taiwan
作者 李嵩賢
評鑑中心法(Assessment Center)是透過模擬演練,測知應試者,包括現職員工或應徵工作者未來潛能的評鑑過程。自1956年AT&T首度引進企業後,不論是企業部門或行政機關紛紛仿效,造成評鑑中心法的蓬勃發展。
評鑑中心法評鑑應試者的核心能力,初期主要用在員工的甄選,而後逐步擴展應用在升遷及發展的領域,因此,在組織甄補、管理發展、生涯發展乃至於組織發展,都有關於評鑑中心法的應用與探討。主要的因素很多,最重要的是,評鑑中心法的高效度(Validity)不斷受到證實,組織因使用評鑑中心法,增加人力資產效益,提升競爭優勢(competitive advantage),也有相當的案例作為明證。
國內早期使用評鑑中心法的企業並不多見,惟近幾年來有日愈增多的趨勢,但與國外的情形比較,仍未普遍。至於行政機關部分則更為保守,除了考選部曾應用評鑑中心法的集體口試,改進傳統考選人才的流程以外,其他少數機關縱已注意到評鑑中心法,但亦僅止於研究試驗的階段,均未能付之實施,更遑論建構公務人力資源專屬的評鑑中心或發展中心(development center)。對於人才選拔晉升與發展的方法或技術的改進,顯有不足之處。
The assessment center method is an evaluation system which is used, through simulations, to assess future potential of assessees, including current employees and job applicants. Since AT&T first introduced the assessment center method into its companies in 1956, it has been widely adopted by private and public organizations, and thus has become popular.
The assessment center method evaluates candidates’core competencies. At first it was used mainly during the employee selection process, then later in promotion and development as well. Therefore, applications of and research into the assessment center method can be found in various areas, such as personnel selection and succession planning, managing, career development and even organizational development. This is mainly because of the high validity of this method. A large number of organizations have increased benefit of human resources and improved their competitive advantages after implementing the assessment center method.
In the early days there were few enterprises in Taiwan that adopted the assessment center method, but there is a growing trend in recent years. It is still not widely used though, when compared with situations in other countries. Governmental departments are even more conservative in this regard, except for the Ministry of Examination, which has adopted panel interview of the assessment center method to improve the procedure of employment testing. Although a few other departments have noticed the existence of this method, they are still studying its feasibility, instead of putting it into practice, not to mention establishing civil service assessment or development centers. There is obviously much to do to improve the methods or techniques of personnel selection and development.
This study, combining theory and practice, investigates basic concepts of the assessment center method and the process of conducting simulation exercises, exemplified by sample cases. It further analyzes whether this method is suitable for governmental training institutes. In the end suggestions of planning and implementation are made for training organizations in general.
起訖頁 125-150
關鍵詞 評鑑中心發展中心模擬練習核心能力效度投資回收assessment centerdevelopment centersimulation exercisescore competenciesvalidityreturn on investment
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200510 (44期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 考選制度與政策的變革與發展
該期刊-下一篇 從美國經驗探討國家考試性別限制問題




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