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考選制度與政策的變革與發展   全文下載 全文下載
The Reform and Development of Examination System and Policies
作者 蔡良文
The fairness of examination system is trustworthy, as reported by the Central News Agency that, a survey conducted by Association for Social Ethics about social trust indicates the Examination Yuan among all government agencies receives the most acknowledgement. On the other hand, there were the impact brought by the 10th reforms, disputes over examinations about Taiwanese dialect in 2003 and lawyer’s senior examination for Chinese tests in 2005, the balance between fairness of examination and demand on personnel by agencies also requires adjustment. Concerning changing and not changing in reform of examination policies, is its strategic direction correct or not? Is the technique of improvement methods better or not? They are all worth concern and discussion. This article studies and analyzes reform and development of examination system and policies, mainly, the reform of policies combining examination and appointment–appointment examination or qualification examination, preferential polices for weak groups such as the disabled and aborigines, sex equality policy of national placement test, handling of doubtful points about Taiwanese dialect questions for national placement test, topics about application for rechecking raw scores in dispute and litigation cases, the progressive empowerment and decentralization etc. topics.
In general, the reform and development of examination policies in the future are confronted with impact of diversified values and decentralization thinking. The function positioning of examination agencies should be adjusted progressively and necessarily, in addition, it must play the role of reformer of strategic management for public service, that is, to be based on performance requirement, cost efficiency as evaluation framework and implementation principles for future governance, with the foundation of fair competition according to the Constitution, with consideration and corresponding to requirement by human resources management of overall organizational strategies. It should also strive for acknowledgment by the Congress. Only by doing this, the reform of examination policies can be really put into effect.
起訖頁 101-124
關鍵詞 考選制度公務人力策略管理適格人才中立才能任用考試與資格考試考試效度與信度examination systemstrategic management for civil servicesuitable talentsneutrality capabilityappointment examination and qualification examinationexamination validity and reliability
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200510 (44期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 新世紀培訓優質文官的新思維與做法
該期刊-下一篇 我國公務人力培訓機構應用評鑑中心法之研究




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