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當前我國人事法制的改革構想與做法   全文下載 全文下載
Reform Ideas and Practices on ROC Government’s Present Personnel Legal System
作者 朱武獻
The legal framework of ROC government’s personnel system has been established for a long time and provided a good foundation for government agencies’operation through these years. Facing the global trend and severe international competitions, a lot of countries on the world have started their government reform tasks. Following the direction, the ROC government also undertakes reconstruction on personnel management system and the main mission is to set up a performance-based personnel system. This article, discussed within the Ministry of Civil Service’s official duties, focus on key actions that government should take to implement government reform. Its ideas, practices and current achievements can be elaborated from the five main aspects as following:
‧Extend the scope of personnel regulation-loosening to stimulate vigor of government agencies.
‧Institute new laws for the management of political appointees in respond to the development of party politics.
‧Enlarge flexible employment mechanisms and set up an integrated personnel system for contract-based employees.
‧Implement performance-based management, enhance selection and incentive systems, and strengthen performance-base payment.
‧Revise the retirement and compensation system and increase Fund profit ability to keep up with the changing environment.
Provided that the above-mentioned issues have been completed through the whole legislative procedure, the goal of a comprehensive reform will be successfully achieved. Hopefully, the personnel system of ROC government will become more professional, efficient and flexible.
起訖頁 75-87
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200510 (44期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 考選政策的五大改革議題
該期刊-下一篇 新世紀培訓優質文官的新思維與做法




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