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績效衡量與評估的操作概念--以美國績效與成果法為例   全文下載 全文下載
The Operational Conception of Performance Measurement and Evaluation
作者 孫本初
In recent years, our government has been influenced by the movement of New Public Management and Reinventing Government all around the world and has carried on a lot of initiatives in public administration. In order to build a high-performance system of governance, the Executive Yuan also issued a mandate about performance assessment in government agencies and began to construct the whole performance appraisal systems from 2002.
Although most of scholars admitted the effort of Executive Yuan deserved to be praised, we couldn’t deny the fact that the development of our government performance evaluation system is not as good as our expectations. In United State, the government and its agencies have been appraised by OMB and Congress base on the Government Performance and Results Act from 1993. For clearing the conceptions of performance measurement and evaluation, think tanks have already developed out a series of resources like teaching materials, theories, researching groups,…etc., to help the agencies establish the models of performance management. Until now, our system lacked the same kind of support from the theorists and practicians in the field of government performance management.
Thus the author introduced the framework of performance measurement and evaluation of America academic associations to promote our agencies’understandings of relevant ideas. In addition to that, the author yielded an integrated structure of performance conception to make the officials implement performance management program step by step more easily.
起訖頁 39-53
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200507 (43期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 論績效考核與淘汰機制之建立與變革
該期刊-下一篇 績效獎金與行政領導:OECD國家對台灣之啟發




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