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論績效考核與淘汰機制之建立與變革   全文下載 全文下載
A Discussion on the Establishment and Reform of Performance Evaluation and Elimination System
作者 蔡良文
The performance rating and elimination system of civil servants are closely related to a healthy civil service system and motivation of civil servants’morale. Facing the present globalization and political transition, what we are concerned is to master the“timing”cooperating with the“changes”in the governing environment of the government, thus to have“success”. That is to say,“mastering the present trend”for the purpose of“change”and“success”. In 2000, there is the first political party alternation peacefully in our country, and it is expected that a small and beautiful, small but capable government with high efficiency can be built, and at the same time, to accelerate the government reengineering. Our prospect is to build a government with strong vitality and global competitiveness, and to promote all reform plans actively. During the process of government reengineering, how to improve the overall organizational performance, building performance rating and elimination system rewarding the excellent but eliminating the insufficient, establishing a personnel performance management system of the civil service, strengthening civil service system function, is one of the very important topics requiring discussion.
This article studies the meaning of performance rating, the significance of elimination system, establishment of performance measurement system in administration, principles, methods and difficulties of performance rating, principles in establishing elimination system, related regulations on elimination system, and difficulties and review of the present performance rating system, to help to improve civil service efficiency and national competitiveness. It is also expected to give practical suggestions on the reform of performance rating and elimination system, with the aim of building an infrastructure with balance between flexible management and manager authority, and experts’opinions are welcomed.
起訖頁 11-38
關鍵詞 績效考核績效評估績效管理淘汰機制管理者高權政府改造文官體制Performance RatingPerformance EvaluationPerformance ManagementElimination SystemManager AuthorityGovernment ReengineeringCivil Service System
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200507 (43期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 建構績效導向的考績制度
該期刊-下一篇 績效衡量與評估的操作概念--以美國績效與成果法為例




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