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組織精簡後因應知識流失管理之道   全文下載 全文下載
A study of management on losing knowledge after downsizing in organization
作者 黃貝雯
Human Capital is the asset that creates value for government agencies. However, currently government being the largest employer finds itself with the situation of having a large workforce.
In an effort to deal with this issues there are four situations that will take place in the future, 1) privatization; 2) retirement boom; 3)“Basic Law Governing the Organization of Central Government Agencies”; 4)“Total Number of Civil Servants Employed by Central Government Agencies.”
Speculation is however that it will cause the problem of“Corporate Amnesia”and brain-drain. Government should build the mechanism of continuity management to maintain knowledge from our employee.
This paper aims to look at the difference of knowledge character to distinguish between implicit and explicit knowledge for the study of continuity management. One is apprenticeship, the others are debriefing, corporate history and the knowledge profile building.
Good knowledge continuity management depends on using two ways which complement each other. Additionally, organizational culture and the offering of rewards are factors that help to build, open and share knowledge in the organization.
起訖頁 164-176
關鍵詞 人力資本組織失憶症延續管理隱性知識顯性知識Human CapitalCorporate Amnesiacontinuity managementimplicit knowledgeexplicit knowledge
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200501 (41期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 法醫師考試改進之研究
該期刊-下一篇 公共管理模式與政策轉移之探究




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