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法醫師考試改進之研究   全文下載 全文下載
Study on the Improvement of Examinations for Forensic Medical Examiner
作者 李震洲
Based on the segment of the Origin of Forensic Medicine, Forensic Medicine and Criminal Science, the difference of courses provided by the Department and Graduate Institute of Forensic Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University and Department of Forensic Science, Central Police University are discussed in this article, with the current situation of educating, cultivating, training forensic medical examiners and the examination system being mentioned. It also discusses the reasons for the difficulty in recruiting forensic medical examiners, analyzes related articles concerning the right to take examinations in the Forensic Medical Examiner Law (Draft) drew up by the Ministry of Justice, and finally, it raises practical recommendations on how to improve the system of education, examination and employment of forensic medical examiners. Actually, the insufficiency of forensic medical examiners in Taiwan has been an issue for long time and effective solution of the problem lies in the release of the education system to increase the number of forensic medical examiners, and at the same time, differentiating them from physicians, to avoid brain drain. At the same time, other matching measures such as a raise in the grading of position, increase of treatment, and improvement on working environment etc. should also be promoted. In the future, the section of forensic medical examiners in the special examinations for judicial personnel should also have a group registration and examination, to cooperate with the reformation trend of forensic medical examiners education.
起訖頁 146-163
關鍵詞 法醫學(Forensic Medicine)刑事鑑識學(Criminal Science)法醫師考試法醫師與醫師分流Forensic MedicineCriminal ScienceExamination for Forensic Medical ExaminersStratification of Forensic Medical Examiners and Physicians
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200501 (41期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 析解中央行政機關組織基準法
該期刊-下一篇 組織精簡後因應知識流失管理之道




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