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文官制度改革與原住民族發展:對於建構多元並具有民族特色之考銓制度的初步努力與檢討   全文下載 全文下載
Bureaucracy Reform and Indigenous Peoples Development : Preliminary Efforts and Examinations on Establishing Diversified Examination and Personnel Administration System with Indigenous Characteristics
作者 伊凡諾幹
作者明確指出人事自主權為原住民族的集體權之一,多民族國家臺灣的考銓政策及制度,在兼顧公平、效率及成本的原則下,應具有多元性及民族的特色,原住民族人事法制之建構亦須配合原住民族自治發展的需要。因此,除了積極落實弱勢群體保護行動(Affirmative Action)、公平就業機會(Equal Employment Opportunity)與多元化管埋(Managing Diversity)之外;加拿大等歐美先進國家所實施的強調國家文官考選與錄用者之結構比例須公正反映社會組成之結構比例的代表型文官制(Representative Bureaucracy),亦應為值得研究與參採的制度設計方向。
This article discusses about the efforts and examinations made by the author after having acted as member of the Examination Yuan for two years, to fulfill the promise of ''safeguarding indigenous peoples' right of taking examination and servant post, putting the intention of the indigenous peoples right clause in the Amendment of the Constitution into real effect, and establishing diversified examination and personnel administration system with indigenous characteristics'' that the author declared while carrying out the right of approval (同意權) of the 10th Member of the Examination Yuan.
The author points out clearly that personnel autonomy is one of the group rights of indigenous peoples. With diversified minorities, the examination and personnel administration system of Taiwan considers both the principle of fairness, efficiency, and cost, and also has the diversified and indigenous characteristics. The constitution of indigenous peoples personnel legal system should also cooperate the requirement for autonomy development of indigenous peoples. Therefore, other than carrying out affirmative action, equal employment opportunity and managing diversity actively, the representative bureaucracy, which is implemented by advanced countries in Europe and America such as Canada, and emphasizes that the structural percentage of bureaucracy examination, selection and employment rate should reflect the structural percentage of social combination fairly, is also a system decision direction that should claim studying, reference and adoption.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 文官制度改革原住民族發展人事自主權代表型文官制Bureaucracy System ReformIndigenous Peoples DevelopmentPersonnel AutonomyRepresentative Bureaucracy
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200410 (40期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 考試院研議原住民族文官考銓問題與對策過程之評析




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