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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on the Impact of Readers’Information-Seeking Behavior on Financial Channel Viewing Numbers
作者 莊復元
本研究旨在探討閱聽人資訊尋求行為對財經頻道觀看次數影響之研究。在傳統的財經資訊中,圖文傳播為主要知識來源,隨著網路以及線上串流平台日趨成熟,尋求資訊的方式已逐漸多元,其中,透過影片來汲取知識的受眾近年更是大幅增長,故本研究想了解,現今閱聽人在搜尋財經資訊時,是否會傾向觀看影片來獲取知識。以Google Trends熱門的財經資訊關鍵字趨勢作為資料來源,探討閱聽人在搜尋特定關鍵字時,是否會增加對Youtube財經頻道的觀看次數,以及不同類型的財經頻道是否受到特定財經關鍵字搜尋趨勢的影響。而財經頻道的資料來源,則是挑選三個目前在Youtube中熱門的財經頻道作為研究對象。統計單位為週,時間為2022年1月至2023年12月,並採用迴歸分析等來驗證假設。研究結果顯示,閱聽人資訊尋求行為對財經頻道觀看次數間存在一定程度的相關性,尤其是與金融市場貼近的頻道,反之,教育類頻道的相關性則不顯著。透過本研究的探討,將有助於更深入理解閱聽人的資訊尋求行為對財經頻道觀看數的影響,並為相關行業提供實證依據和參考。
This study aims to explore the impact of readers' information-seeking behavior on the number of views of financial channels. In traditional financial information, graphic communication is the main source of knowledge. As the Internet and online streaming platforms become more mature, the ways of seeking information have gradually become more diverse. Among them, the number of audiences who seek knowledge through videos has increased significantly in recent years. This study wants to understand whether today’s listeners tend to watch videos to gain knowledge when searching for financial information. Using Google Trends' popular financial information keyword trends as a data source, we explore whether viewers will increase the number of views on YouTube financial channels when they search for specific keywords, and whether different types of financial channels are affected by specific financial keyword search trends. influence. As for the data source of financial channels, three financial channels currently popular in Youtube were selected as research objects. The statistical unit is week, and the time is from January 2022 to December 2023, and regression analysis is used to verify the hypothesis. The research results show that there is a certain degree of correlation between the information-seeking behavior of listeners and the number of views of financial channels, especially channels close to the financial market. On the contrary, the correlation for educational channels is not significant. The discussion in this study will help to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of readers' information-seeking behavior on financial channel viewing numbers, and provide empirical evidence and reference for related industries.
起訖頁 414-423
關鍵詞 資訊尋求行為Google Trends財經資訊財經頻道YoutuberInformation seeking behaviorGoogle trendsFinancial informationFinancial channelYoutuber
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 打卡景點圖片類型對閱聽人參與行為的影響──以Instagram為例
該期刊-下一篇 AI人工智慧模型開發──以資源回收物自動分類為例




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