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The Impact of Picture Types of Hitting Locations on Listeners' Engagement Behavior - An Example from Instagram
作者 曾靖婷林承謙
With the rapid development of the Internet, selfmedia has been favored by the public in recent years, prompting the rise of new media to bring a variety of social platforms, creators can easily upload pictures or videos on the mobile interface, quickly creating a large amount of advertising traffic, as users are more inclined to appreciate attractive pictures and videos, the importance of visual elements in social media is increasing, so that brands and individuals began to pay more attention to the Therefore, brands and individuals have started to pay more attention to the visual effects in social media. This study aims to investigate the relationship between different types of images and listeners' engagement behaviors when creators post scenic posts. Through the internet questionnaire survey method, Instagram is chosen as the research field for this study, and the analysis draws the following conclusions: (a) listeners' behavior of choosing to like, leave a comment, and share will be prioritized by interactive images, and favoriting, which is considered to be the most valuable engagement behavior, will be Listeners who choose to like, message and share will prioritize interactive images, while collecting is considered to be the most valuable engagement behavior, so they will choose posting of informative images as collecting; (b) Listeners aged 18 to 25 clearly prefer posting of interactive images; (c) Depending on the interactive needs of different industries, creators need to choose the appropriate form of posting of images in terms of liking, messaging, sharing and collecting in order to maximize the effect of posting engagement behaviors.
起訖頁 404-413
關鍵詞 景點圖片類型參與行為社群媒體InstagramLocationsImage TypesEngagement BehaviorSocial MediaInstagram
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響虛擬實境遊戲使用者沉浸感之因素分析研究
該期刊-下一篇 閱聽人資訊尋求行為對財經頻道觀看數影響之研究




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