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Factor Analysis of VR Game User’s Sense of Immersion
作者 黃于芩魏裕昌
近年虛擬實境技術(Virtual Reality,VR)快速發達,許多的數位內容活動、展覽、博物館、遊戲區及樂園等都引進相關虛擬實境應用,不僅能讓人們體驗如身歷其境般的沉浸感,也能增進學習性及娛樂性。其中虛擬實境遊戲使用者沉浸體驗效果之研究愈來愈受重視,特別針對使用者在體驗前、後的自我情緒及體驗時的想像、觀察等心理運作所伴隨之複雜且不同的使用者行為進行分析。因此本研究調查分析影響虛擬實境遊戲(賽車類)使用者沉浸感之因素,研究結果發現三個構面因素分別為「情境投入」、「外部影響」及「競爭性」等,與之前相關研究的結論類似,可提供後續VR遊戲設計之參考。
In recent years, virtual reality technology (Virtual Reality, VR) has developed rapidly. Many digital content activities, exhibitions, museums, game areas, and parks have introduced related virtual reality applications, which not only allow people to experience an immersive experience as if they were actually there , can also enhance learning and entertainment. Among them, the research on the immersive experience effect of virtual reality game users is receiving more and more attention, especially the complex and different user behaviors accompanied by the user's self-emotions before and after the experience and the imagination, observation and other psychological operations during the experience. Perform analysis. Therefore, this study investigated and analyzed the factors that affect the immersion of virtual reality game (racing) users. The research results found that the three aspects of factors are ''situational involvement'', ''external influence'' and ''competitiveness'', etc., which are related to the previous The conclusions of the research (Agrawal, S. et al., 2020; Jennett, C. et al., 2008) are similar and can provide a reference for subsequent VR game design.
起訖頁 394-403
關鍵詞 虛擬實境遊戲使用者行為沉浸感Virtual reality gamesUser behaviorImmersion
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響AI VTuber觀眾黏著度之因素研究
該期刊-下一篇 打卡景點圖片類型對閱聽人參與行為的影響──以Instagram為例




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