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影響AI VTuber觀眾黏著度之因素研究
A Study on the Factors Affecting the Stickiness of AI VTuber Audiences
作者 張修庭
隨著電腦運算能力的提升,虛擬人物在數位媒體中的應用也日益增長,各類虛擬偶像、虛擬模特兒及虛擬YouTuber (VTuber)開始在網路上竄紅,各式各樣的虛擬人物皆反映人們對於虛實整合的渴望,同時也讓更多人發揮創造力與展現自我的空間。近年來,生成式人工智慧與大型語言模型的快速發展,聊天機器人可以使用流暢的自然語言與人類溝通,進一步開啟人機互動的新時代,AI VTuber也隨之誕生。2022年11月,名為Neuro-sama的AI VTuber在串流平台Twitch首次亮相,迄今已獲得大批粉絲的追捧,其表現足以與一般的VTuber競爭。本研究旨在探討影響AI VTuber觀眾黏著度之因素,並透過問卷調查法,共回收260份有效問卷。根據研究結果顯示,AI VTuber的外表吸引力、社交吸引力、聲音吸引力及擬人化對擬社會互動有顯著性的影響,擬社會互動對黏著度亦有顯著性的影響。本研究預期能夠對數位內容產業有重要的啟示,也能夠對相關企業、學術界及創作者提出實務上的建議。
With the advancement of computer computing power, virtual characters have become increasingly prevalent in digital media. Various types of virtual characters, such as virtual idols, virtual models, and virtual YouTubers (VTubers), have gained popularity online. These virtual characters reflect people's desire for the integration of the virtual and real worlds, and provide more opportunities for people to express their creativity and showcase themselves. In recent years, the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models has enabled chatbots to communicate with humans using fluent natural language, ushering in a new era of human-robot interaction. This has led to the emergence of AI VTubers. In November 2022, an AI VTuber named Neuro-sama debuted on the streaming platform Twitch and quickly gained a large following. Her performance is comparable to that of a regular VTuber. This study aims to explore the factors affecting the stickiness of AI VTuber audiences. A questionnaire survey was conducted, and 260 valid responses were collected. The results showed that AI VTuber's physical attractiveness, social attractiveness, vocal attractiveness, and anthropomorphism have significant effects on parasocial interaction, which in turn has a significant effect on audience stickiness. This study is expected to have important implications for the digital content industry and to provide practical suggestions for related businesses, academia, and creators.
起訖頁 386-393
關鍵詞 人工智慧聊天機器人虛擬人物網路直播Artificial IntelligenceChatbotVirtual CharacterLive Streaming
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 探究獨立樂團周邊產品屬性對購買意願之影響
該期刊-下一篇 影響虛擬實境遊戲使用者沉浸感之因素分析研究




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