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Transforming poetic spatial imagery into AI-generated tools applied to cement artifact design
作者 陳琨揮
聯合國環境規劃署(United Nations Environment Programme)於2012年,因全球大量生產對環境造成的退化問題提出「線性生產方式」的反思。這種生產模式將自然資源轉變為商品,商品淘汰後卻難以回歸自然,最終成為垃圾,引起了對環境影響的深刻關注。現代社會資訊科技迅速發展,以及消費主義的盛行,使過度購買行為成為社會現象,對人心的恆常與穩定產生不利影響,加深了人們的迷失與焦慮感。在忙碌的都市生活裡,人們渴望投身於大自然的懷抱,也因大自然給人的心理意象,彷彿如古代詩人遊走於山水園林之中的詩意感受。詩意感受是經由轉換狀態形成內在的安定,在當代亦盛行透過手作活動來進入心流狀態,而達到舒壓之效果。因上述現況,本研究以探討詩意空間意象,轉化詩意元素為居家生活器物造型創作之參考,將使用水泥材料透過手作製成居家生活器物,並使器物能附有視覺療癒之意象。且提出利用回收材料與水泥的混合,可自行製作之水泥器物的設計流程,設計流程中結合AI生成工具的互動,嘗試跳脫個人生活經驗的思考框架。希冀能為時下風行的短暫貨物生命週期、快速轉變的流行造型、淺薄近視的消費傾向帶來新的水泥物品表現風貌。
In modern society, the combination of rapid information technology advancements and widespread consumerism has led to excessive buying behavior, impacting people's mental well-being negatively. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) highlighted environmental concerns in 2012 due to global mass production, leading to a reconsideration of the ''linear production mode.'' This mode transforms natural resources into commodities that often end up as waste, exacerbating environmental issues.Amid urban life, there's a longing for nature's tranquility, reminiscent of ancient poets' poetic experiences in natural settings. Handicraft activities have become popular for stress relief. This study delves into poetic spatial imagery, using cement to craft visually healing household items. It proposes a DIY process with recycled materials and AI tools, aiming to refresh cement product aesthetics in response to short lifecycles and shifting consumer trends.
起訖頁 312-326
關鍵詞 AI生成工具消費主義詩意元素器物設計低碳水泥Generative AIconsumerismpoetic elementsartifact designlow-carbon cement
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 以十二生肖圖卡設計為例探究文創商品認知之設計成效研究
該期刊-下一篇 快時尚品牌服裝吊牌視覺設計之研究




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