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Study on the Visual Design of Hangtags for Fast Fashion Brand Apparel
作者 王昕玥
This study is dedicated to investigating the role that visual design in hang tags plays in the brand image construction of fast fashion labels. The focus lies on the integration of design elements and the impact of printing techniques on the overall visual impression, as well as the hang tags' role in brand storytelling. Concentrating on typography, color, product information, and printing methods, the research will incorporate case studies. Due to resource constraints, a case study methodology will be employed, analyzing a select number of brand cases and specific markets, with results that may not apply universally. The aim is to deeply understand the visual effects of fast fashion brand hang tags and how they influence perception. The research will include defining the theme, reviewing literature, analyzing cases, and formulating enhancement recommendations. The ultimate goal is to provide actionable insights for fast fashion brands to improve their brand image.
起訖頁 327-331
關鍵詞 王昕玥吊牌設計快時尚品牌吊牌印刷工藝設計元素分析品牌形象建立Tag DesignFast Fashion BrandTag Printing TechnologyDesignElement AnalysisBrand Image Establishment
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 轉化詩意空間意象以AI生成工具應用於水泥器物設計
該期刊-下一篇 旅遊文創商品的消費行為與需求調查研究




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