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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Taking the Chinese Zodiac Picture Card Design as an Example to Explore the Design Effectiveness of Cultural and Creative Product Cognition
作者 曾秭榆蔣心瑜吳宜軒周卉琳
十二生肖在華人文化中一直佔有相當重要的地位,無論是對於非華人的認知與華人本身認知。即便在亞洲不同國家地區也多有屬於該地區特有的十二生肖的文化傳說及藝術設計,故研究之主題以文化影響力最顯著為選擇設定,以此為研究標的探究相關與文創設計相關之現象與發展。研究主旨著眼在研究十二生肖於華人文化之影響力與認知研究。在此研究中,以十二生肖形象原型創新設計,再以古漢字藝術為基礎,透過系統性整理與符號元素的剖析、應用條列十二生肖背後意涵及人文歷史淵源,融入臺灣本土特色,重新再設計並呈現出結合臺灣樣貌的十二生肖典藏卡。研究可以探討文創設計該如何影響不同文化背景的觀者,建立東西方文化溝通橋樑,藉以探究文創商品的設計創造執行與影響力。整體研究過程之研究發現可作為後續臺灣相關文創商品永續設計之依據。原型商品之驗證,採用平均值(Mean Value)與標準差(StandardDeviation)的統計分析,探究文創設計元素於文化層面上,對於受試者之顯著影響因素為何,相關研究發現,可以創新依循要點,在臺灣文化永續文創設計上,做出與傳統華人文化的區別性,以符合與擴大延伸臺灣文化部關於文創商品之定義,並奠基臺灣文創永續設計的特點呈現。
The twelve zodiac animals have always played a very important role in Chinese culture, both in the perception of non-Chinese people and in the perception of the Chinese themselves. Even in different countries and regions in Asia, there are many cultural legends and artistic designs of the twelve zodiac signs that are unique to that region. Therefore, the theme of the study is set with the most significant cultural influence, and this is used as the research target to explore related cultural and creative designs. Related phenomena and developments. The main purpose of the research is to study the influence and cognition of the twelve zodiac signs on Chinese culture. In this study, innovative designs were based on the prototypes of the twelve zodiac signs, and based on the art of ancient Chinese characters, through systematic organization and analysis of symbolic elements, and application of the meaning behind the twelve zodiac signs as well as their humanistic and historical origins, it was integrated into Taiwan's native Features, redesigned and presented a twelve zodiac collection card that combines the appearance of Taiwan. Research can explore how cultural and creative design affects viewers with different cultural backgrounds, establish a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures, and explore the design, creation, execution and influence of cultural and creative products. The findings of the overall research process can serve as the basis for subsequent sustainable design of Taiwanrelated cultural and creative products. For verification of prototype products, mean value and standard deviation are used. Deviation) to explore the significant influencing factors of cultural and creative design elements on subjects at the cultural level. Related studies have found that we can innovate and follow the key points to make sustainable cultural and creative designs for Taiwanese culture that are consistent with traditional Chinese The distinctiveness of culture is reflected in the characteristics that conform to and expand the definition of cultural and creative goods defined by Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture and lay the foundation for Taiwan’s cultural and creative sustainable design.
起訖頁 301-311
關鍵詞 文化永續設計文創設計Cultural Sustainable DesignCultural and Creative Design
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 攝影視線引導的視覺力心理效應:眼動追蹤法研究
該期刊-下一篇 轉化詩意空間意象以AI生成工具應用於水泥器物設計




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