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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on the Effects of ymmetrical Composition in Advertisement on Cognitive Perception
作者 莊賢智魏裕昌張堯
廣告作為一種重要的傳播方式,其核心目標在於吸引目標受眾的注意力並有效傳達訊息。知名導演魏斯・安德森(Wes Anderson)以其獨特風格的廣告作品成功吸引觀眾的注意力。因此,本研究使用眼動追蹤技術進行34位受試者心理實驗,探討廣告置中對稱構圖與否對觀眾視覺認知心理的影響。研究結果顯示,當廣告呈現對稱構圖時,觀眾的視線主動聚焦在畫面的中心平衡位置或主體上,能有效限制觀眾的視線移動範圍,且熱區呈現較集中的現象。相反,當廣告呈現非對稱構圖時,觀眾的視線會分散在畫面多個點之間移動,觀看範圍更廣,無法長時間專注於重要位置或主體上,這也使得觀者對廣告內容的認知變得複雜。總體而言,本研究以實驗美學方式透過眼動實驗發現,廣告拍攝中的置中對稱與非對稱構圖對觀眾的視覺傳播認知行為影響有所不同。本研究結果有助於廣告創作與電影影視實務應用,讓導演了解置中特性適當善用構圖設計以吸引觀眾更多的注意力,有效地將商業廣告訊息傳播給觀眾,進而促進商品銷售。
Ad v e r t i s i n g , a s a crucial means o f communication, aims to attract the attention of target audiences and effectively convey messages. Renowned director Wes Anderson has successfully captivated audiences with his unique style of advertising works. Therefore, this study conducted a psychological experiment with 34 subjects using eye-tracking technology to investigate the impact of symmetrical composition in advertisements on viewers' visual cognitive psychology. The results show that when advertisements exhibit symmetrical composition in static images, viewers' gaze actively concentrates on the balanced central position or the main subject, limiting the range of eye movement and showing a more concentrated heatmap. Conversely, when advertisements present asymmetrical composition, viewers' gaze disperses among multiple points in the frame, resulting in a broader viewing range and an inability to focus on essential positions or subjects for an extended period, thus complicating viewers' perception of the content. Overall, this study, employing experimental aesthetics through eyetracking experiments, reveals that symmetrical and asymmetrical composition in advertisement filming affects viewers' visual cognitive behaviors differently. These findings contribute to the practical applications of advertising creation and film and television production, enabling directors to understand and appropriately utilize centered characteristics in composition design to attract more attention from viewers and effectively convey commercial advertising messages, thereby promoting product sales.
起訖頁 280-288
關鍵詞 置中對稱魏斯・安德森(Wes Anderson)廣告眼動追蹤認知效果Symmetrical CompositionWes AndersonAdvertisementEye-TrackingCognitive Perception
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 失智症居家照護途徑之資訊圖表創作──以新北市為例
該期刊-下一篇 攝影視線引導的視覺力心理效應:眼動追蹤法研究




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