英文摘要 |
Care for people with dementia in Taiwan is mainlyat home and cared for by relatives. More than a quarterof disabled caregivers suffer from ''stress load'' problems.Caring for dementia is a long-term battle. According toa 2017 survey by the Taiwan Dementia Association, thepublic’s views on dementia prevention and treatmentpolicies prioritize“support and assistance for dementiafamily caregivers”. However, in 2023, Xie Ninghui et al.Research results show that 90% of patients with dementialive at home but have not used long-term serviceresources. This phenomenon may be due to insufficientintegration between dementia service systems. This studyuses a literature review approachThis method sequentially explores thecommunication of dementia care, the developmentprocess of family caregivers, and the design ofinformation graphics. In response to the fact that the careinformation received by dementia family caregiversmainly comes from medical institutions, the visualizationof health knowledge not only improves the readers' Italso facilitates communication between health educationstaff and patients. Later, a preliminary information chartdesign will be drawn up, and personal therapists willprovide professional suggestions and corrections throughqualitative interviews. The research results were used todesign an information chart on the home care pathwaythrough the information graphic design criterion IDR,which includes: (1) the development process of familycaregivers (2) care service resources. designed to assisthome care guidelines for family caregivers of dementia toreduce the stress of caregiving. |