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Integrating Concept of Image Learning into Teaching Practice Research through Picture Books: A Case Study of the Creative Picture Book(Do You Know)
作者 謝祥頎張瀞瀞予王藍亭
隨著生成式人工智慧(Generative AI, GAI)的蓬勃發展,其在出版領域的運用已成為產學界關注的焦點。本研究著重於探討GAI工具在商業管理書籍創作和編輯過程中的運用,旨在評估其對提升創作效率、內容品質以及創新性的影響。同時,本研究深入分析在GAI工具輔助出版過程中可能遭遇的挑戰,如創作自由的潛在侷限和AI技術處理複雜情感的不足。透過研究者利用GAI工具輔助創作商業管理書籍的經驗,結合對六位編輯的深入訪談,本研究梳理GAI工具在出版流程中的應用場景。研究指出,GAI工具能夠協助作者發想內容並加快編輯進程。然而,對AI技術的過度依賴,可能會侷限創作者的創意思維,並對作品的深度及情感連結造成負面影響。此外,GAI工具在處理複雜人文情感時的不足,凸顯需要更多人類直觀和創造性思維的介入。基於上述發現,本研究提倡建立一種新型的人機協同工作模式,既能發揮GAI工具的優勢,同時保護創作的原創性和情感豐富度。研究還呼籲未來的應用開發和研究應更加關注創作倫理,確保GAI工具的創新能夠兼顧出版內容的品質和多樣性。透過對GAI工具在出版流程中應用的全面探索,本研究為出版與技術融合的未來發展提供嶄新的視角,期望對行業實踐者和學術研究者提供有益的策略和方向。
This study aims to create a contemporary illustrated book on Genesis, drawing inspiration from early Christian religious paintings in European churches. These artworks serve as a source of inspiration, and through the assistance of imagery, they hold practical value for children's cognitive development. However, with the passage of time, the presentation of images and narrative techniques has also evolved. This study will employ a practice-based approach, conducting a comparative analysis of the visual and textual content of past and modern interpretations of Genesis. It will examine past artwork and short story texts related to Genesis to explore how image studies influence contemporary children's illustrated books. Subsequently, action research will be conducted to observe the responses of preschool children to the Genesis illustrated book. The analysis results will be applied to the adjustment of the text and images of the book ''Did You Know,'' which is created for this study. The book will utilize woodcut printing techniques to explore printing methods and textures. The research findings indicate that meaningful image-based learning presented through modern illustrated books facilitates children's understanding of story content and cognitive acquisition. Moreover, these images can also be applied to themes and image-based learning relevant to modern children's education. Through action research, adjustments to the text and images of the book ''Do You Know'' will be made to provide reference for future related creations.
起訖頁 177-191
關鍵詞 生成式人工智慧出版創新商業管理書籍人機協同創作倫理Image LearningTeaching PracticeCreative Picture Book
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202406 (2024期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 創新與挑戰的交織:探索生成式人工智慧在商業管理書籍出版
該期刊-下一篇 基於建構主義的兒童色彩教具設計研究




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