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改進公務人員考績制度的議題探討:公平原則觀點   全文下載 全文下載
Current Issues on Civil Service’s Performance Appraisal System: Equal Principle Perspective
作者 張瓊玲
Correct appraisal is the first priority of good civil service management. If the performance appraisal system cannot manifest the equal principle, it will impact the development and the morale of government manpower. Thus, the contents and practice of performance appraisal system have a bear-ing on the development of government manpower and the proper coordina-tion between people and work. If the appraisal does not show“equality”or“fairness”, it will become a paper work and no one will pay attention to it.
The current“civil service’s performance appraisal system”has been discussed and revised many times. Due to the changes of time, it cannot cover every aspect of the system and sometimes its effects are not accepted by the civil service. According to the Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act, awards and penalties should both be taken into account when imple-menting it. Whether the procedure and method of this current system meets the purpose of objectiveness and accurateness is worth exploring. By the theory of performance appraisal system, it has positive and negative func-tions. It should focus on“management function”or“development function”.Its final goal is to have the benefit of“equality,”the people who are ap-praised would accept its result without any question or grievance. Thus, an-other main topic of equal appraisal is to design the performance index and make the whole process more democratic. Another topic is whether setting a limit on the number of government employees given the“first grade”merit violates the equality principle.
By using the references data and the theory of the appraisal system to-gether with the performance through the years, we hope to exam the current civil service’s performance appraisal system to meet the spirit of“equal ap-praisal.”We then provide the research result by suggesting some modifica-tions of the Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act to the government and all those concerned.
起訖頁 171-197
關鍵詞 公平原則考績制度考績指標equal principleperformance appraisal systemperformance index
刊名 文官制度  
期數 200904 (1:2期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 考績丙等制度設計評估:以適法性與妥適性為分析焦點




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