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Managerial Roles of Open Innovation Promoters in the Transformation of Tourism Industry: Evidence from Agritourism
作者 林若慧游文宏蔡昀儒謝文凱
This research applied the theory of ''open innovation'' to explore the different managerial roles and functions of stakeholders within Taiwan's agritourism industry during the industrial innovation process. Grounded theory was employed, and 18 participants were interviewed. The findings revealed that the managerial roles of open innovation promoters in Taiwan's agritourism industry can be divided into four categories, namely pathfinder, builder, counselor, and integrator. It provides empirical pathways to support the open innovation tourism development. The findings of this study have managerial implications for farm owners, agritourism area managers, and the government and can be referenced to promote the transformation and innovation of agritourism and thus the sustainable development of tourism, agriculture, and local communities. Specifically, the stakeholders in the industrial transformation process can identify their roles and perform their appropriate functions. Furthermore, assessing the state of open innovation and identifying the correct stakeholder groups to promote innovation is crucial.
起訖頁 71-105
關鍵詞 農業旅遊開放式創新管理角色AgritourismOpen InnovationManagerial Roles
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 202212 (19:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-上一篇 多感官體驗設計與顧客長期記憶及忠誠度關係之研究




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