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Understanding the Effect of Multisensory Experience on Customer Memory and Loyalty
作者 駱菁菁戴文惠王怡潔
A multisensory marketing strategy is suggested to be one of the several effective tools that companies can utilize to create an immersive environment to stimulate strong emotions in customers and thus make the experience unforgettable. The research areas of multisensory marketing have been focusing on the relationship between multisensory marketing tactics and various components, such as customers' perception, perceived value, satisfaction, decision-making, and loyal behaviors letting the relationship between sensory experience and consumers' long-term memory largely unstudied. However, customers' long-term memory is suggested to be the better predictor of repeat experiences (Barsalou, 1999; Larson et al., 2014; Mitchell et al., 1997; Wirtz et al., 2003) and it deserves more research attention. This study, therefore, implemented a questionnaire survey to investigate the relationships between hotels' multisensory stimuli, customers' long-term memory, and loyal behaviors. The results of this study reveal that gustatory and olfactory sensory stimuli are the two most salient factors related to customers' long-term memory. Besides, most of the hotels' sensory stimuli do not have a direct effect on customers' loyalty but through customers' long-term memory. This study provides meaningful insights to small and medium size hotels to better allocate their limited resources to the more effective sensory tools to create memorable experiences for their customers.
起訖頁 33-70
關鍵詞 多感官行銷長期記憶忠誠行為飯店產業顧客體驗Multisensory MarketingLong-term MemoryLoyal BehaviorsHotel IndustryCustomer Experience
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 202212 (19:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-上一篇 顧客對連鎖咖啡品牌愛慕因素探討:以路易莎咖啡為例
該期刊-下一篇 開放式創新推動者在轉型旅遊業中的管理角色:以農業旅遊為例




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