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Green Fungal Light: On Bioluminescence and Fungal Intelligence in Vandermeer’s The Ambergris Trilogy
Green Fungal Light: On Bioluminescence and Fungal Intelligence in Vandermeer’s The Ambergris Trilogy
作者 Chiu-hua Su (Chiu-hua Su)
In The Ambergris Trilogy, Jeff Vandermeer portrays the fantastic world of the Gray Caps, or unidentified extraterritorial creatures resembling mushrooms, living where bioluminescent mushrooms shine. In this essay, I attempt to elaborate on the challenge that colorful fungal light poses to sunlight, which is presumably white in color. By so doing, I aim to extend the notion of“tentacular thinking”proposed by Donna Haraway and to redefine intelligence as inter-legere, or groping amid the dark. The colorful light emitted by bioluminescent fungi is thus deployed to oppose sunlight, privileged by Western metaphysics. By taking account of the etymology of luciferin as“Lucifer”and“light-bringer,”I will argue that the phenomena of bioluminescence put helio-logo-centric thinking into question. If, as Jacques Derrida maintains, the sun is the source of light, or the ultimate metaphor of truth, I would like to ask: can the light brought by those chthonic critters show us a way to imagine an alternative intelligence? To tackle this question, I argue that the black-and-white sensibility, which harbors anthropocentric epistemological and moral values, should be calibrated to address the subdued colors shimmering in the grayish darkness of Chthulucene.
起訖頁 73-96
關鍵詞 Jeff Vandermeerbioluminescencemushroom intelligencetentacular thinkingchromophobiaJacques Derrida
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 202406 (51期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 “Now”: The Crip Time of Literary History in Mark Z. Danielewski’s
該期刊-下一篇 The Meandering Detection of Loss: On Melancholic Attachment in When We Were Orphans




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