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The Meandering Detection of Loss: On Melancholic Attachment in When We Were Orphans
The Meandering Detection of Loss: On Melancholic Attachment in When We Were Orphans
作者 Chia-chin Tsai (Chia-chin Tsai)
When We Were Orphans, framed within the detective fiction genre, serves as a trauma narrative wherein the protagonist-narrator attempts to master the trauma caused by being abruptly severed from his parents and Shanghai, his psychological“homeland,”through persistently re-enacting a childhood detective game. This article aims to manifest that the meandering process of the protagonist’s detection is not merely the repetitive acting out of his trauma but also the staging of an oedipal desire for prelapsarian plenitude—a point of origin. Critics hold diverging interpretations regarding whether Kazuo Ishiguro is describing a complete mourning process or means to imply a positive aspect of melancholia that identity politics tends to accentuate. In light of Dominick LaCapra and SlavojŽižek, the author of this article unveils the underlying conflation of transhistorical structural lack with historical loss, which causes enduring melancholia in the traumatized subject, and indicates that if the protagonist harbors any nostalgia for the International Settlement in Shanghai, it is not merely a symptom of this conflation, i.e., misplaced nostalgia, but also the manifestation of a prelapsarian fantasy that veils the absence of a fully unified community as a totality.
起訖頁 97-120
關鍵詞 detective narrativemelancholianostalgiaacting-outprelapsarian fantasy
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 202406 (51期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Green Fungal Light: On Bioluminescence and Fungal Intelligence in Vandermeer’s The Ambergris Trilogy




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