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“Now”: The Crip Time of Literary History in Mark Z. Danielewski’s
“Now”: The Crip Time of Literary History in Mark Z. Danielewski’s
作者 House of LeavesManuel Herrero-Puertas (Manuel Herrero-Puertas)
This essay proposes crip time as a useful tool for challenging our overreliance on linear periodization. As defined by Alison Kafer and Ellen Samuels among others, crip time designates the experiences of people with disabilities who live their lives against the normative clocks of biological development, productive labor, capitalist consumption, and reproductive futurity. These imposed temporalities infiltrate literary periodization, which, like the clinician’s work, is remedial and often prescribes progressive linearity as cure. But crip time has no cure. Far from straightened out, its timelines refuse teleologies of betterment and completion. The essay explores alternatives to these in Mark Z. Danielewski’s novel/media assemblage House of Leaves (2000). The parenthetical date hardly conveys this text’s place(s) in time, not to mention its disruptive, yet accommodating, reorganizations of literary history. While critics have debated its modernist, postmodern, and postpostmodern credentials for years, House of Leaves has yet to be examined (and deperiodized) from a disability standpoint. Doing so unveils a strategy I call“temporal retrofitting,”through which Danielewski’s crip narrators embrace, as their temporal marker, a struckthrough“now”undone by the same forces that constitute it.
起訖頁 45-71
關鍵詞 Crip timedisabilityliterary historylinear periodizationMark Z. Danielewskitemporal retrofitting
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 202406 (51期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Salvaging the Contemporary with Speculative Science Fiction
該期刊-下一篇 Green Fungal Light: On Bioluminescence and Fungal Intelligence in Vandermeer’s The Ambergris Trilogy




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