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The Practice of DEI Ideals in School Management
作者 林雍智 (Yung-Chih Lin)
DEI is the abbreviation of diversity, justice and integration. Since 2020, DEI has been valued and introduced by European, American and Japanese enterprises/universities. By promoting DEI, enterprises can pro¬vide fair opportunities while respecting the diverse personalities of em¬ployees, promote the activation of their human resources, then ultimately enhance brand value. The main purpose of this article explored the con¬cept of DEI and analyzed its practical approach in school management, so as to provide principals with a reference for school management. This article first started with the definition of DEI, then discussed the benefits of promoting DEI in schools, and then mentioned the factors that hinder schools from realizing the DEI concept. Finally, it proposed feasible ac¬tions for principals in leadership and school management that including 5 categories: 1. Clearly stating the direction of DEI promotion; 2. Lead with empathy; 3. Improve school members’DEI competencies; 4. Create an open communication system; and 5. Competencies of DEI leadership that principals should have. This article expected that schools can become the learning base with diversity, freedom, resiliency and sustainability under the guidance of DEI ideals.
起訖頁 93-109
關鍵詞 多元融合聯合國永續發展目標學校經營DiversityEquityInclusion (DEI)SDGsschool management
刊名 學校行政  
期數 202407 (152期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 學校中層領導者之領導與被領導期待――以臺北市國小主任為例
該期刊-下一篇 權力距離在教育領導領域的發展與實踐




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