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Expectations of Leaders and Followers Among Middle Leaders in Schools: A Case Study of Elementary School Directors in Taipei City
In recent years, there has been a trend of reluctant to take up ad¬ministrative positions in elementary school. The position of director is an important career progression pathway to be a principal. However, the role of director has become a hot potato that many teachers wish to avoid. The application rate and retention rate for directors have been decreasing year by year. This article aims to understand the expectations of prin¬cipals to directors, the expectations of directors to themselves, and the expectations of directors’group leaders. Through interviews in specific cases, I would like to outline the required abilities and expectations for directors as middle leaders in school. The results reveal: 1. Principals ex¬pect directors to possess abilities (leadership, decision-making, encour¬agement), profession (technical guidance, providing feedback, achieving goals), and traits (communication, flexibility, collaboration). 2. Middle lesders in elementary schools believes they should have communication and coordination skills, systems thinking ability, problem-solving skills, professional competence, and resilience, as well as the ability to create a positive atmosphere. 3. Group leaders in elementary schools consider ef¬fective communication, creating a positive team atmosphere, fairness in handling affairs, and the ability to provide ideal guidance to colleagues as important abilities and traits of directors. 4. The principals expect that the abilities and traits of middle leaders align with middle leaders’s own expectations in effective communication, problem-solving, systems thinking, and professional competence. 5. Group leaders in elementary schools have consensus about directors’self-perceived abilities and traits of leadership expectations, including good communication skills, creat¬ing a positive atmosphere, professional administrative competence, and problem-solving ability.
起訖頁 59-92
關鍵詞 中層領導國小主任領導被領導middle leaderelementary school directorleaderfollower
刊名 學校行政  
期數 202407 (152期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 初探引進外籍教師的挑戰與機遇:五位中學國際部外師的訪談研究
該期刊-下一篇 DEI理念在學校經營中的實踐




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