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Fragments, recollection, and narratives- A study on the memories of Wu Wenyin’s Ci lyrics
作者 余佳韻
This article focused on the lyrical expression about the memories in Wu Wenying’s Ci memory works. First of all, the reason why Wu Wenying is obsessed with reminiscence is actually due to his wandering and unsettled experience. Therefore, it is necessary for him to fill in the absence of his life through recollection and writing. Secondly, the fragmented images, such as swings or delicate hands, appear repeatedly in Wu Wenying‘s Ci works. It is a memory display that is framed by the narration of the individual lyrical experience triggered by sensory impressions. Furthermore, compared to other people's description towards the color of memories in red and green, the memories of Wu Wenying are almost no color, but displayed in specific scenes. Fragments, as the concentration of lyrical experience, could be divided into two parts scenic phrases and narrative phrases according to their forms of expression. Through the use of allusions and pronouns, we can also observe the poet’s lyrical self and the reproduction of lyricism. It is believed that the process of placing the poet’s subjectivity to the fragments and giving it lyrical interpretation is the profoundness of Southern Song poetry.
起訖頁 181-213
關鍵詞 吳文英回憶追憶斷片抒情理論Wu Wenyinmemoryremembrancesfragmentslyricism
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202312 (42期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 迷失菩提的當代詮釋──第六世達賴喇嘛倉央嘉措文學化傳記的漢地傳播
該期刊-下一篇 安樂哲「角色倫理學」的實用主義特質及其限制




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