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The Acceptance of Shenyinyu of Joseon Scholars in the 19th Century
作者 鄭雨峰
This study based on the book called Shenyinyu呻吟語, which is written by Lu Kun呂坤in the late period of Ming Dynasty, and focused on how the Korean scholars in the late Joseon Dynasty affected by, accepted for and rewrite Shenyinyu . Shenyinyu , as a kind of proverbial-style essays, was not only famous in the Ming Dynasty, but had been also taken into account in Korea and Japan of the 19th century. On one hand, this study discussed four Korean scholar's book related to Shenyinyu, who are Kim Chang-hui (1844-1890), Yu Jae-Geon (1793-1880), Jeon Wu (1841-1922), and Choi Myeong-hui (1851-1921), and how these scholars accepted Lu Kun's opinion. On the other hand, this study intended to figure out that whether the other books of Lu Kun affected the literary world in the late Joseon Dynasty or not. We have reason to believe that to check out the situation of the acceptance of Shenyinyu is helpful for us to acquire further understanding of proverbial-style essays' development in the 19th century.
起訖頁 177-190
關鍵詞 《呻吟語》呂坤朝鮮漢學清言集接受ShenyinyuLu KunSinology in Koreanproverbial style essayacceptance
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201612 (28期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 憑虛閣李氏《清閨博物志》之著述及新女性知識分子的誕生
該期刊-下一篇 禮物:朝鮮與盛清文人的畫像墨緣及相涉問題




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