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The Recognition of Shiji of Wang Shizhen and Kim Changhyup in 16 17th century
作者 朴京男
This paper studies Wang Shizhen 王世貞'sthe aspect of the Recognition and Succession of Shij 史記, in the relationship between The Joseon and China Literary Circles。Wang is worthy of note in that The Joseon mainstream literary man in 16th century modeled after Shijizuan史記纂written a preface by him while they had published Shiji Anthology of a printed by Joseon, titled the Sachan史簒. But Wang also received some harsh criticism for copying from Shiji by Kim Changhyup 金昌協, one of the leading writers in 17th century Joseon. So This paper examined the publication process of the Sachan in Joseon first, and revised Wang's own distinctive aspects of succession of Shiji by comparison with Kim.
The publication of the Sachan in Joseon and Kim's the literary commentaries of Shiji were all influenced by a prose writer critique of Shiji, a new trend in 16th century Ming dynasty. Wang had also responded to such tendencies, but he should succeed to Shiji of a complete contemporary historical records and even go a little further. And then he had compiled and wrote Yanshantangbieji 弇山堂別集, Jiajingyilaishoufuzhuan嘉靖以來首輔傳and a biography of merchants, aimed at recording people of all ranks and classes, system and culture of the contemporary Ming dynasty. Through these routes, he could present his own way, succeeding to Shiji of the history recording contemporary people and putting together an era.
起訖頁 127-147
關鍵詞 王世貞金昌協《史記》《史記評林》《史記纂》《史簒》Wang Shizen im Changhyup Shiji Shijipinglin Shijizuan Sachan
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201612 (28期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 明清文學與學問在朝鮮的接受
該期刊-下一篇 憑虛閣李氏《清閨博物志》之著述及新女性知識分子的誕生




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