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An Evaluation of the OECD Cross-National Mathematics Curriculum Comparison Study and Its Implications for the Development of Taiwan’s Mathematics Curriculum
作者 鄭章華單維彰林佳慧 (Chia-Hui Lin)
This paper investigated Mathematics Curriculum Document Analysis (MCDA) conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and distilled insights applicable to developing our country's mathematics curriculum and textbook design. The MCDA research demonstrated that the arrangement of mathematics curriculum content in participating countries/jurisdictions was relatively consistent with the 'A+ benchmark curriculum,' despite differences in the emphasis of the three dimensions of mathematical literacy, all can nurture mathematical literacy. Textbook analysis revealed a considerable gap in curriculum transformation. Although the national mathematics curriculum is at the forefront, textbooks still need to fully provide students with opportunities to develop mathematical literacy, warranting our attention. The design of the 2019 Mathematics Curriculum Guidelines generally corresponds with the global trend of mathematics curriculum reform in terms of quality and quantity, yet some aspects require attention. Through the MCDA study, we not only comprehend the challenges and opportunities for Taiwan in the field of mathematics education but also further explore how to optimize our national mathematics curriculum and refine research methods to align with global educational trends, thereby more effectively cultivating future talent.
起訖頁 361-375
關鍵詞 2019課綱跨國比較教科書分析數學素養數學課程2019 curriculum guidelinescross-national comparisonmathematics curriculummathematical literacytextbook analysis
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202401 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 澳洲大學的公共性初探:公立大學體系中市場化取向下的公共性




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