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An Exploration of Important Policies for Elementary and Middle School Education Reforms in Japan in Recent Years
作者 梁忠銘 (Chung-Ming Liang)
This study aims to clarify the key policies of elementary and middle school education reform in Japan through a literature review and analysis, focusing on three objectives:“Education Curriculum and Content in the New Era,”“Construction of School and Community Link,”and“Maintaining Education Level and Teachers’Professional Growth.”The research concludes that the education curriculum in Japan focuses on two key points: 1. emphasizing internationalization: increase foreign language activities in the third and fourth grades and increase the overall teaching hours by 140 hours of English teaching; 2. strengthening moral education: revise“moral education”to“lessons for teaching the special subject of moral education,”which echoes the international perspective, deeply cultivates the local situation, and strengthens adaptability in the era of internationalization. At the same time, it also deepens the cultivation of patriotic sentiment in the subject’s consciousness. There are two key points in the connection between schools and communities: 1. thinking about the necessity of collaboration between schools and communities from the perspectives of educational reform and local revitalization and jointly creating the characteristics of schools through collaboration between schools and communities; 2. local parents and children learn from each other and construct an educational system that jointly cultivates children. Carrying out and promoting the“construction of a school-centered community,”making it independent and autonomous. In terms of improving the quality of teachers, restore the lifelong effective system of teachers’certification, strengthen teachers’lectures and studies, implement teacher certification exams, improve the training system for beginners, and ensure consistency in the use of methods and training for teachers. At the same time, channels for teacher training should be increased so that teacher certificates can be obtained in diverse ways. It is suggested to actively encourage the public to participate in teacher training courses, introduce managers with social experience to participate in school management, and allow more students and individuals to join the teams of teachers. By doing so, changes can be made to improve teachers’work environments and their treatment, thereby enhancing the quality of present and future teachers.
起訖頁 323-341
關鍵詞 日本教育教育改革教育政策中小學Japanese educationeducation reformeducation policyelementary & middle school
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202401 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 從原教中心觀點談地方原住民族教師專業發展網絡之運作
該期刊-下一篇 澳洲大學的公共性初探:公立大學體系中市場化取向下的公共性




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