中文摘要 |
109年度臺灣食品中毒案件計506案,患者數計4,920人,案件數最多之月份為1月(81案);110年度食品中毒案件為498案,患者數計5,823人,案件數最多之月份為2月(137案),該兩年案件數最多之月份皆涵蓋農曆春節,應為民眾為慶祝傳統節日而增加聚餐及飲宴應酬等活動之故。在病因物質判明情形方面,109年及110年已判明之食品中毒案件,逾半數皆由諾羅病毒引起,並曾發生因含有天然毒之樹菸草造成之案例。而該兩年案件發生最多之攝食場所皆為供膳之營業場所,進一步觀察,供膳之營業場所於110年之案件數及患者數占比相較於109年有下降的情形,自宅的比率則相對增加,透過分析相關統計資料發現,其與新冠肺炎疫情期間,大眾的飲食習慣的改變有很大的關聯性。 |
英文摘要 |
In 2020 and 2021, there were 506 and 498 cases of foodborne disease in Taiwan, with 4,920 and 5,823 patients, respectively. The highest number of cases occurred in January 2020(81 cases) and February 2021(137 cases), which coincide with the Lunar New Year, when people have more festive gatherings and feasts than usual. Norovirus was the leading identified cause of foodborne disease in both years, and cases caused by natural toxins, such as Nicotiana glauca, were also reported. There was decrease of cases and patients in food service establishments in 2021 compared to 2020, while the percentage of cases occurring in residences increased slightly, which possibly due to changes in eating habits due to COVID-19 pandemic. The statistics and analytic data of foodborne disease can be used as a reference for future prevention strategies to improve food quality and safety more effectively. |