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Yin-Yang Martial Thought within“Jie”節in the Peking University Han Bamboo Slips
作者 高君和
The thought of“Jie”節in the Peking University Han bamboo slips has been classified as a manuscript of yin-yang“shiling”時令(“edicts concerned with the seasons”or“seasonal ordinances”) that concerns the theory of yin-yang“shiling”itself and martial rationale. Differing from previous research, the present paper argues that“Jie”, following the earlier excavated Didian地典from Yinqueshan, is an essential unearthed yin-yang martial text. The central yin-yang martial thought of“Jie”, however, remains unclear due to the incongruence between the collation and the contents of the slips. As such, this paper aims to accomplish the following: first, a re-arrangement of the slips concerning“Jie”which draws on the points of view of related researchers; second, an overall analysis of the contents and structure of“Jie”so as to establish a systematic structure of the thought therein; and third, argumentations that substantiate the classification of“Jie”as a yin-yang martial text. This paper approaches this reexamination of the characteristics of the thought of“Jie”in three ways: first, presenting an overall reflection on the central thought of and purpose behind composing“Jie”; second, comparing“Jie”to related yin-yang martial texts; and third, scrutinizing the thought of“Jie”based on the characteristics of the yin-yang martial thought within“Yiwen zhi”藝文志(“Treatise on Literature”) in Hanshu漢書(Book of Han). Based on the above research, this paper concludes that“Jie”is a ying-yang martial text which emphasizes both theory理, namely theories of yin-yang, and divination術, namely divination practices used in determining military encounters, thereby being a text beyond just yin-yang“shiling”theories and a martial rationale.
起訖頁 261-304
關鍵詞 地典刑德七舍陰陽五行地之十二勝Didian地典xingde qishe刑德七舍recession and accretionyin-yangfive elementsdi zhi shi’er sheng地之十二勝twelve victories
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202312 (41:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《六韜》學派傾向與思想體系新詮──基於出土本與傳世本的綜合研究
該期刊-下一篇 堪輿「八會」異考辨──利用出土數術文獻及實物驗證傳世典籍之一例




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