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A New Interpretation of the School and Ideological System of Liutao六韜: Comprehensive Approach Based on Passed Down and Unearthed Versions
作者 張帆
As an important piece of military literature in the pre-Qin period, Liutao六韜(Six Secret Strategic Teachings) is characterized by its size and rich contents. Its ideological tendency and school of thought, however, have been regarded as representing the Military School, Confucianism, and Hunag-Lao thought, thereby always being contentious. Through a comprehensive review of relevant passed down versions and unearthed texts of Liutao, it can be found that Liutao is related to the Mawangdui silk texts. The thoughts throughout their respective texts are largely consistent, but there are some differences with the Huang-Lao thought reflected in the Mawangdui silk texts. The ideological system of Liutao is not limited to a certain school, but rather integrates Huang-Lao thought and military theory; moreover, it has creative viewpoints in terms of literary style and military theory, all in all positioning it as an important piece of literature often overlooked in the study of ideological history in the past.
起訖頁 235-260
關鍵詞 六韜銀雀山漢簡敦煌寫卷馬王堆帛書Six Secret Strategic TeachingsLiutao六韜Yinqueshan Han bamboo slipsDunhuang manuscriptsMawangdui silk texts
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202312 (41:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 伊尹良臣形象的建構及其意義──以清華簡的討論核心
該期刊-下一篇 北大漢簡〈節〉的兵陰陽思想探析




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