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The Design and Development of Competency-Based Performance Assessment of Project-Based Learning at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School
作者 曾慶玲黃春木簡邦宗童禕珊
In recent years, global education reforms have centered around cultivating students' problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. Many countries have viewed project-based learning as the focus of secondary education. The project-based learning course can show the philosophy and spirit of holistic education and competency teaching orientation, echoing the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum's belief and essence. Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School offers project-based learning courses. For instance, ''Approaches to Project Study and Academic Writing'' is worth two compulsory credits, and the ''Preliminary Project Proposal'' is one of the most crucial performance tasks. A ''Preliminary Project Proposal Performance Assessment Rubrics'' developed by this study serves both as a guide for students' learning and as a means of understanding students' academic performance by teachers. It also enriches students' studies through multiple assessment methods. The result showed: (1) The ''Preliminary Project Proposal'' is in accordance with the competency-based assessment by basing performance assessments on the ''Approaches to Project Study and Academic Writing'' course objectives. (2) The ''Preliminary Project Proposal Performance Assessment Rubrics'' has six assessment dimensions, including research motivation and purpose, literature review, research questions, research methods, logical argumentation, and language expression. Each dimension is divided into four grades, and each grade has one to two performance indicators. (3) The ''Preliminary Project Proposal Performance Assessment Rubrics'' has good reliability because it has experienced the Kendall Harmony Coefficient test and achieved high consistency among evaluators. It suggests that this scale of measurement can increase the number of participants in project-based learning courses both inside and outside the school in the future. And researchers can further develop other multiple assessment tools for project-based learning courses.
起訖頁 167-191
關鍵詞 專題探究素養導向評量實作評量project-based learningcompetency-based assessmentperformance assessment
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202105 (10:5期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 寧靜而祥和的組織劇烈變革——佛光大學的系所整併經驗
該期刊-下一篇 國民小學教師領導者所承受壓力之個案研究




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